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Dear Customer,
This has been completed and the booking system is now operational.
We are updating our meeting booking system, thus it may be inaccessible for a short amount of time.
Users are not notified of this maintenance as it is unlikely to affect any customers.
We've received word that the issue has been mitigated and that services are fully operational.
Thus, we are closing this incident.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our support team!
We have confirmed that this issue was related to our upstream, GTT, having a brief network flop. The problem has been resolved, and we will continue to monitor the situation.
We have identified an issue which has impacted some of our network for approximately 30-60 seconds. We have contacted our network provider about this and will monitor the situation.
We are marking this incident resolved as all Cloud02 services are operational. We expect that this was an issue with our upstream provider.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team!
We've seen systems come back operational. We are monitoring the situation closely.
We are currently investigating an outage with our Cloud02 VPS cluster.
The issue has now been resolved. The DNS is now fully operational.
We have identified the issue and are working on a fix.
We have noticed that the cPanel NS5 nameserver is unresponsive. We are looking into the issue at the moment. The NS6 nameserver remains operational, as well as DNS queries.
The cPanel server's IP address has been changed successfully.
Please update all of your DNS records to if you are NOT using VoltHosting cPanel nameservers.
We are now closing this maintenance window.
If you have any questions, please get in touch! We're happy to help.
We are updating the IP address of our cPanel server due to the deprecation of some of our IP address ranges. Please review the details below to understand how this change may affect you.
Customers who are using the VoltHosting nameservers for their domain & :
No action is needed, as our nameservers will automatically update the IP change without user action.
Customers using an external nameserver/DNS service (such as CloudFlare):
Must manually update their DNS records to point to the new cPanel server.
OLD IP Address:
NEW IP Address:
Customers who have a dedicated or custom IP address will be contacted separately to arrange this change.
This notice serves as a notification of this change. This change has NOT taken effect yet.
The time stated on the maintainable window is when affected customers should update their DNS records (if required to do so), not beforehand.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.
We're resolving this incident as we've not seen any further issues arise, and all sites are operational.
We will keep monitoring for further issues. If you are experiencing issues, please reach out!
We've seen sites come back up and we are monitoring for further issues.
We've identified the issue, and have implemented a temporary fix. Services should be coming back up now.
We are currently investigating this incident where some websites are unavailable.
The VoltHosting client area maintenance has been fully completed, and everything is operational.
If you notice any issues, please contact us.
We will have some scheduled maintenance on our client area while we update core systems. This means that the VoltHosting client area will be inaccessible for a small amount of time. We will aim to keep this to a minimum.
The main website and all other VoltHosting services will remain operational through this maintenance period.
If you have any questions, please get in touch before the scheduled start time.
Jan 2025 to Mar 2025